UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union APPRAIS, governance, quality, accountability: a Piloting Reform Process in Kurdistan region of Iraq

APPRAIS addresses governance, strategic planning and management of higher education institutions, with a particular focus on enhancing the capacities of human resources and proposing a reform for the local Higher Education system through the implementation of Bologna process.

APPRAIS project idea comes from the willingness of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHESR KRG) to improve and develop higher education system in Kurdistan region of Iraq. Within this logic, the MOHESR KRG has encouraged several Iraqi Universities to adopt the European education system thus to implement the Bologna process. Therefore, APPRAIS will contribute to allow HEIs in defining a roadmap for a better university governance and implementation of Bologna process in the HEIs of Kurdistan region of Iraq. Secondly, it will upgrade by means of training and CB action delivered by the EU universities, the skills of presidents, vice-presidents, heads of IROs, and QA responsible for strategic planning, quality assurance, and credits recognition, as well as the capacities of administrative staff on university administrative management, quality assurance and internationalization strategies. Finally, thanks to the harmonization phase, the piloting process of reform from Kurdistan region will be enlarged also to the whole country and each university will define its own institutional strategic plan.

The specific objectives of APPRAIS are:

  • Enhancing good governance, by strengthening the definition and development of HEIs roadmap.
  • Improving HEIs capacities on quality assurance mechanisms, strategic planning, management and accountability practices.
  • Supporting the implementation of Bologna Process within HEIs in Kurdistan region of Iraq by improving knowledge on recognition of credits and learning mobility.
  • Adopting the university reform on good governance and Bologna process at each HEIs, through the definition and validation of institutional action plans.

Like any governance dimension, all the above-mentioned objectives require a strong strategic orientation and capacity to be accomplished but, at the same time, they are also preconditioning for an effective strategic planning. Consequently, the project aims at supporting each HEIs to develop their own strategies and specific action plans in order to make the governance changes possible.

For more details on the APPRAIS project, please visit the official website:


Call for tender – Purchase of quality assurance software – APPRAIS project

Call for tender – Purchase of quality assurance software – APPRAIS project

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