Training course on implementing Standards and Guidelines for QA in the European HE Area (ESG)

With the aim of establishing a quality assurance system comparable to the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), the Quality Assurance Agency of the Ministry of Higher Education opened a Training of Trainers (TOT) course. This course was designed for members of the committee drafting guidelines and quality assurance standards for universities in the capital, Erbil, in cooperation with the Spark Bologna Academy, a Dutch organization funded by the European Union.

Dr. Yaman Sami Shareef, Vice President of Duhok Polytechnic University for Scientific Affairs and Higher Education, participated in this session as a representative of the university.

During the course, many important topics related to quality assurance were discussed. International trainers facilitated discussions on these issues, and participants shared their opinions to enhance their understanding and knowledge of the course topics.

It is known that participants who complete 30 hours of this training course, in accordance with the Bologna Process, will receive the equivalent of 1 ECTS credit, as recognized by the Dutch Spark organization.