A delegation from Duhok Polytechnic University visited two Belgian universities

In order to strengthen practical cooperation relations between the Iraqi and Belgian polytechnic universities and within the TEVT2 program supported by the European Union, on 11/29/2023, a delegation from the Polytechnic University of Dohuk (DPU), consisting of “Dr. Fayrouz Mustafa Hamdi”, Head of the Media Department, and Dr. Karwan Al-Dosakee, Director of Skills Development, Ghent University and Ghent University of Applied Sciences (HoGent) in Belgium. They were received by Dr. Friedrich De Decker, Head of the Office of International Relations from Ghent University. The UNESCO team and the delegation from the Dohuk Polytechnic University expressed their pleasure for this visit, which has an important, active and continuing role in developing the Bologna Process in the Kurdistan region and Iraq.

On the other hand, the DPU delegation visited the Iraqi Embassy and the representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government in Brussels. They were received by His Excellency the Iraqi Ambassador, Mr. Ahmed Barwari, and the representative of the Regional Government, Mr. Delovan Ajgeiy. They expressed their gratitude for the visit and described it as a very good step because the two sides can benefit from existing capabilities and capabilities, and also a step to develop relations between the two sides.