Workshop on Job Obtaining Has Been Held

In an effort to enhance job market integration with modern methods, a workshop will be held on 2025/1/20 at 10:00 AM at Duhok Polytechnic University / Career Development Center, in collaboration with IREX. The two-day workshop (Career Development and Getting Job) is specifically organized for students of Duhok Polytechnic University, at the Technical Institute of Duhok / Azadi Hall.

On the first day of the workshop, three seminars will be presented by experts:

  • First Seminar: Presented by Abdulsalam Medeni, discussing "Expanding Job Opportunities."
  • Second Seminar: Presented by Rebaz Jwameer, the program manager of the Kurdistan Foundation, discussing "Creating Opportunities and Infrastructure in Kurdistan."
  • Third Seminar: Presented by Asst. Prof. Dr. Shivan Ahmed, discussing "7 Steps for Business Careers and Effective Networking."

Dr. Faiz Saeed, Director of the Career Development Center, stated: “The goal of this workshop is to emphasize the importance of job obtaining and career development through modern methods and the use of new systems to assist students in entering the job market and career-building.