DPU received the representative of the U.S. General Consulate

The representative of public affairs of the U.S. Consulate General Erbil, Iraq Mr. Rêving Mizory has visited Duhok Polytechnic university and was greed by Prof Dr. Aree adel the present of DPU joined by both vice presedents of scientific affairs and students affairs with the international relations directorate team at the presidency of DPU.

Mr. Mizory discussed the importance of having relations with higher education institutes and find new ways of collaborations in joint programs with the consulate.

Also, the progress of current programs were discussed that are funded by the U.S. Consulate such as the CISCO program and IREX projects. Its participated the in coming days representative from the U.S. Consulate to join in the opening of the both English language center and the entrepreneurship centers at DPU.

Mr. Rêving Mizory, the Representative of Public Affairs at the U.S. Consulate General Erbil, Iraq, paid a visit to Duhok Polytechnic University (DPU). Mr. Mizory was welcomed by Prof. Dr. Aree Adel, the President of DPU, accompanied by both Vice Presidents overseeing Scientific Affairs and Student Affairs, along with the International Relations Directorate team at the university's presidency.

The focal point of the meeting revolved around the significance of fostering relations with higher education institutions and exploring innovative avenues for collaboration in joint programs. Mr. Mizory emphasized the importance of establishing and maintaining strong ties between the U.S. Consulate and academic institutions like DPU.

During the interaction, attention was directed towards the progress of ongoing programs sponsored by the U.S. Consulate, including notable initiatives such as the CISCO program and IREX projects. The review provided a platform for assessing the impact of these programs on academic and professional development within the university.

Mr. Mizory and the DPU leadership engaged in fruitful discussions regarding future collaborations. The parties explored avenues for expanding joint academic endeavors and discussed potential areas of mutual interest that could benefit both the university and the U.S. Consulate.

Its worth mentioning that representative from the U.S. Consulate is expected to participate in the upcoming openings of both the English Language Center and the Entrepreneurship Centers at DPU. These initiatives are part of the ongoing efforts to enhance language proficiency and foster entrepreneurial skills among the university's students.

This visit reflects a shared commitment to fostering educational excellence and facilitating opportunities for students at Duhok Polytechnic University.