An MoU was signed between Duhok Polytechnic University and Leipzig University

With the aim of strengthening their relations and holding partnership conferences on May 31, 2024, the university president's deputies and staff welcomed the delegation of a Leipzig university, the international studies center and the German Yazidi research center.
In a meeting, discussions were held on improving their relations and conducting scientific and academic activities. Moreover, for this purpose a memorandum of understanding was signed by Prof. Dr. Muayad Barakat Hassan, Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs and Professor. Dr. Sebastian Mason, the representative of the University of Leipzig, the head of the international studies department and the head of the German Yazidi Research Center and Asst. Prof. Dr. Yaman Sami Shareef, Vice President for Scientific Affairs and The Directorate of International Relations and University Media and a delegation of the University of Leipzig and the Yezidi Studies Center.
It’s expected that there will be implementing of the understanding points in the near future.