Director of Professional Development Center Participates in the Prestigious IVLP Program

Dr. Karwan Jaafar, Director of the Professional Development Center at Duhok Polytechnic University, participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) titled (Entrepreneurship in Science and Technology). This program included leaders and innovators in the field of science and technology from 18 countries. It was based on an official invitation from the United States Department of State.

Dr. Karwan stated that our participation in the program was based on our belief in the need to bring fundamental change to the labor market, which in turn requires adopting a new and different business model in the public and private sectors to support economic growth in our country. He also mentioned that our trip to the United States, which lasted three weeks, aimed to exchange views and help confront shared challenges.

Finally, the Director of the Professional Development Center pointed out that familiarity with the United States entrepreneurship ecosystem is a significant opportunity, as the United States is home to more than 30 million small and medium-sized businesses. The program began in Washington, D.C.; then, the delegation visited Ohio, Texas, and Colorado.

According to Dr. Karwan, the trip was an excellent opportunity to strengthen KRI's professional relationships with the U.S. and learn about American culture and values through the IVLP exchange programs.

For more information about professional and academic exchange programs, please visit