An Ensemble DCNNs-Based Regression Model for Automatic FB Prediction and Analyzation

By Jwan Najeeb Saeed | Traitement du Signal

One of the most effective social aspects of the human face is its attractiveness. Automatic facial beauty prediction (FBP) is an emerging research area that has gained much interest recently. However, identifying the significant facial traits and attributes that can contribute to the process of beauty attractiveness estimation is one of the main challenges in this research area. Furthermore, learning the beauty pattern from a relatively small, imbalanced dataset is another concern that needs to be addressed. This research proposes an ensemble-based regression model that integrates judgments made by three various DCNNs, each with a different structure representation. The proposed method efficiently predicts the beauty score by leveraging the strengths of each network as a complementary data source, and it draws attention to the most important beauty-related face features through the Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM). The findings are promising, demonstrating the efficiency of fusing the decision of multiple predictors of the proposed ensemble DCNNs regression models that is significantly consistent with the ground truth of the employed datasets (SCUT-FBP, SCUT-FBP5500, and ME Beauty). Moreover, it can assist in comprehending the relationship between facial characteristics and the impression of attractiveness.